Rachel Hale

Hi I'm Rachel,

I'm one of the founders of Mindful Movers. I am passionate about our group and the positive physical and mental health benefits we all gain from moving more together in green space. Our tribe come from all walks of life but support and motivate each other through the highs and lows we all expereince. All our leaders are volunteers and as a peer led group we all benefit from being together on our weekly sessions. Mindful Movers is a big part of my life and the amazing people I get to meet make Friday mornings one of my favourite times of the week. 

I personally love being outside and exercise is one of my go-to wellbeing tools, whether that's a session in the gym, big walks in the countryside or one of our Mindful Movers sessions, these are the times that help me stay well!

My main roles in the group are: Chairperson, Health & Safety officer, deliverer of energetic bits like circuits, run leader & trail running coach, mountain walking leader, First aider and general Ms Motivator :-)


Kelly Hall

Hi I'm Kelly,

I'm the appointed Treasurer for Mindful Movers. I've attended the weekly Friday sessions for a couple of years now. I have managed to get from not participating in any groups or running at all to completing 5km Park runs. I also volunteer as Treasurer and being part of the team. I will be undertaking the Leadership in Running Fitness training and the Mental Health first aid course and I helped secure the funding for this website. All this I owe to this fabulous friendly and supportive group.

Hannah West

Hi, I'm Hannah,

I've been part of Mindful Movers since we started and I support each week as a running leader. I manage our social media and I am club secretary and welfare officer. I am increadibly proud of how far we have come.

I started running, walking and spending time outdoors to support my own mental health and wellbeing and being part of Mindful Movers is central to this.

The group is friendly and welcoming and I love the varied conversations, support and friendships I have made over the years.

Coming to Mindful Movers always leaves me feeling better in body and soul.

I would urge anyone wondering if Mindful Movers is for them to come along and see for yourself about how fun and supportive the group is.